Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Drink Water to Lose Weight


Almost 70% of our body weight is water, making water by far the most plentiful nutrient in the human body. A person can survive for two months without food. Without water you will survive at most for one week and only a day or two if you are perspiring in a hot or humid environment. Every physiological process in your body uses water. It is required to transport nutrients, regulate temperature, and build tissues.
Water is a powerful weight loss tool. Water naturally suppresses the appetite and helps the body metabolize stored fat. A decrease in water intake will cause fat content to increase in your cells. This happens because your kidneys don’t function as efficiently when you are dehydrated. This places an increased load on your liver. Your liver is normally responsible for metabolizing fat. This increased load on your liver impairs its ability to metabolize fat, so instead of metabolizing the fat, your body stores it.
As for water weight gain, drinking enough water is the best treatment to get rid of excess fluid in your body. When the body gets less water, it perceives this as a threat to survival
and begins to conserve it. Water is stored in extra cellular spaces (outside the cells). This shows up as swollen feet, legs and hands.
The best way to overcome the problem of water retention is to give your body what it needs-plenty of water. Only then will stored water be released. Any good weight loss program will talk about the effectiveness of drinking enough water.
The average person requires at least 8 (12 oz. or 360 ml) glasses per day. If you are overweight, drink 10-11 glasses per day. Of course if you are perspiring a lot in a hot, humid environment you will require much more water than this.

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