What I'm about to share with you is very powerful information. It is something so subtle but can make a world of difference in people who have that "stubborn" belly fat.
First, I'm going to tell you about the problem...it only makes sense to tell you the problem before I can give you a solution ;-)
Then I'm going to tell you what to do about it and also what to avoid to keep it from coming back.
Multiple studies are now showing that overweight people have different gut bacteria than slim people... weird, right? hang with me here...
These bacteria cause low grade inflammation in your body that makes you gain weight AND makes it even HARDER to lose weight. That sucks, right?
One family of bacteria in particular called:
Firmicutes help your body to extract calories from complex sugars and deposit those calories in fat.... OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE HAVE 20% MORE of this family than slim people.
Sooo.... what's the fix? Balancing your normal gut bacteria. Due to our awful diets, the majority of the population has an imbalance in their gut bacteria which causes all sorts of health problems that I'm not going to go into right now. That's also another reason why you have "skinny fat" people... this messed up gut bacteria makes it hard for EVERYONE to lose belly fat too.
Here's how to balance your healthy bacteria in your gut:
Eliminate these things out of your diet and lifestyle as much as you can:
* Antibiotics
* Chlorinated water
* Antibacterial soap
* Agricultural chemicals
* Pollution
Eat these foods to help put good bacteria in your body so that it can "weed" out the bad bacteria:
* yogurt (the healthy kind)
* sauerkraut
* Lassi (an Indian yogurt drink, traditionally enjoyed before dinner)
* Fermented milk, such as kefir
* Various pickled fermentations of cabbage, turnips, eggplant, cucumbers, onions, squash and carrots
* Natto (fermented soy)
Make sure that these are NOT pasteurized because this kills alot of the good bacteria (probiotics) in it.
If these foods don't make a regular appearance in your body, a good probiotic can give your gut the healthy boost that it needs to help to shed that stubborn belly fat.
Some good probiotics I like and have used are:
Primal Defense by Garden Of Life
Anything by Metagenics
Anything from Standard Process
or a personal favorite of mine... Complete probiotics from Dr Mercola. See his product and video below.
For further weight loss info. and a free weight loss ebook go to:
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