Monday, August 30, 2010

Benefit of CLA in Weight Loss

Benefits of CLA in Weight Loss

The first study to document the long-term safety and efficacy of Tonalin® brand conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) found that the supplement reduces body fat mass in overweight, but otherwise healthy adults by as much as nine percent. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted over a 12-month period without additional lifestyle or dietary restrictions.
“The results of this first long-term study indicate that CLA, taken for one year as

 a dietary supplement, safely improves the ratio of body fat to lean tissue in overweight, but otherwise healthy adults,” said Dr. Jean-Michel Gaullier of Scandinavian Clinical Research in Kjeller, Norway. Study participants who took 3.4 g of CLA per day experienced a significant reduction in their body fat mass compared to those in the placebo group. The results confirm a trend observed in previous short-term CLA studies.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Synthetic Estrogen Causes Health Problems/Weight Gain

Too Much Synthetic Estrogen Causing Weight Gain/Health Problems

Estrogen is found in the hormone-laden meat you get at the grocery store. It’s found in plastic, too. Every time you take a sip from your water bottle or heat up a frozen dinner, you’re ingesting harmful chemicals that create synthetic estrogen in your body.
This can cause you to have too much estrogen. Why is that a problem?
There are lots of ways that too much estrogen in your system can make you sick. It can cause heart disease and five different kinds of cancer. And it can make you fat, impotent, depressed, and tired. Too much estrogen is also the biggest undiagnosed cause of prostate disease in men.
And here’s something else about the estrogen we’re putting in our food that’s very disturbing. Little girls are getting sexually mature features at younger and younger ages.
In fact, I just read a new study that shows the number of 7-year-old girls hitting puberty has doubled since 1997.

No one can tell us what that’s going to do to the health of those little girls.
It’s one more case where we’ve altered our environment without awareness of the consequences.
We’re not living, moving, or eating like our native ancestors. Everything from the beef at the grocery store to the water bottles you drink from can expose you to these estrogens.
But, you don’t have to be a victim. You can fight back.
To help keep your hormone levels balanced, I recommend resveratrol. It’s a safe and natural antioxidant that helps control estrogen in your body.
You can get this amazing mineral from red wine, red grapes, cranberries, blueberries, and peanuts. I suggest you take 100 mg. a day for the best benefits.
In addition to resveratrol, here are some other things you can do:
1. Eat hormone-free meat. Choose grass-fed beef and free-range poultry to avoid eating any of the hormones pumped in standard grain-fed cows and caged chickens. Grain-fed beef is full of hormones, including estrogen. Instead, try to opt for grass-fed beef. These cows roam and graze on pesticide-free grass. Free-range chicken is also the best choice. There are no added hormones to make the chickens plump, and they’re free to run on a farm.
2. Eat cage-free eggs. Cage-free eggs come from free-range chickens. They’re hormone-free and have more of the nutrients you need. Plus, they taste great.
3. Avoid plastic as much as possible. Don’t drink out of plastic water bottles or eat food stored in plastic containers. Even aluminum cans are lined with plastics, so be wary. They contain the chemicals that mimic estrogen. Instead, use metal or glass containers.
4. Eat cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage can help lower your 
estrogen levels.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chemical Food Additives Causing Weight Gain?

Chemical  Food  Additives Causing Weight Gain?

Statistics show that despite of dieting more than ever, people are getting fatter and sicker than ever. And this is in spite of an ever-growing amount of diet products, health products, doctors, database science research. We are still getting fatter and sicker than ever. Something is very wrong in our nutrition. Many diets fail because they are missing a critical element that must be addressed.
We are still getting fatter than ever. In fact, a recent article by the United States National Institute of Health( NIH )  have shown that we don’t consume now more calories than we consume 10 years ago, and we’re still getting fatter

One missing element—one most critically missing element in our weight loss program is the chemicals that appears in our food. There is growing evidence that chemicals which normally appear in our food today, and never appear before in such an amount causing weight gain and disorder and hormonal imbalance in women and men and children alike. These chemicals shatter the body’s ability to regulate its own weight. They promote hormones—the female hormone estrogen—in women and men in a way that fat tissues refuse to break down. In fact, they put the body in a mode where it is more likely to store fat instead of breaking fat down. Until we find a way to detect these chemicalsand remove them from our diet, we will constantly suffer from weight gain and formation of stubborn fat tissues in areas like in the belly and other areas of the body that refuse to break down. 

Try to avoid highly processed foods, artificial sweeteners and processed meats. These foods definitely contain toxic chemicals. Bottled water can also help. Most municipalities add chemicals that can be harmful such as chlorine and fluorine.  In general the less foods are processed and the closer they are to their natural state, the fewer chemicals they will contain.  

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stress and Weight Gain

Stress and Weight Gain

When you’re under chronic stress your cortisol levels go up, your serotonin pool is depleted, and your craving patterns go higher. So, the more stressed you get the more you’ll crave high carbohydrate, high sugar and high fat foods. If you can limit that signaling of those stress hormones your brain doesn’t call for you to go out and munch through a row of cookies or a bag of chips without you realizing that you’ve went through them, and that’s a common thing that people will complain of, at least in our practice, is that they don’t have control over their eating pattern.

Of course finding ways to decrease your stress levels is no easy task, however, it is essential to weight loss. Constant stress causes the continuous release of cortisol into your blood stream. Over time this causes the accumulation of fat in your mid section and the undesirable binge eating problems listed above.

My free ebook on does discuss stress and some possible remedies to reduce stress.  

If you are interested in rapid weight loss, see our sister site at

Friday, August 20, 2010

Firve Hidden Factors in Weight Gain

Five Hidden  Factors in Weight Gain

1.  Eat the right kind of fats to burn fat
 People are not losing weight, number one, because they’re not eating the right kinds of fats. It takes fat to burn fat. I mean we know, for example, that GLA, gamma-linolenic acid, in the amounts of 360 milligrams a day and up have the ability to trigger of the burning of a particular metabolically underactive fat known as brown fat.

Take the right kind of GLA and you’re going to start burning brown fat that without any dietary change at all will allow you to lose weight.
In addition to GLA, Krill oil is a great source of essential fats.

2.  Tired and toxic liver
When your liver is overloaded with toxins, those toxins get thrown into the bile. Bile also has a secondary job, and that is to emulsify fats into these little particles that your body can then absorb and utilize properly. When the bile is too viscous or too thick it can’t metabolize fats properly, and you start storing those fats anywhere into this little roll right around your tummy, too your hips, or any other areas as well.

This fat can be toxic because it’s going to do harm to the organs itself, it’s going to make you much more susceptible to metabolic syndrome, and the problem is that you’re simply not metabolizing it properly so your cholesterol may be going up, you’ll feel sluggish, and you really do need your fats because they’re such an important macronutrient.

 The liver knows how to detoxify unless it’s on overload, or unless we’re not feeding it enough of its antioxidants. One of the easiest things you can do to really thin the bile and help your liver, believe it or not, is every day in the morning taking perhaps the juice of half a lemon, squeeze it in hot water, and you’ve got a wonderful bile thinner, liver toner and kidney asset; it’s like a kidney support system. That will start peristaltic activity in your body, and it will also start to flush the system and get the liver toned up and really humming nicely alone. It does 400 wonderful jobs in your system; you’ve really got to keep it going strong. And when it’s on overload with all the plastics in the environment, the pesticides, the meds, the over-the-count meds and the prescription meds, some times it doesn’t have enough of those nutrients needed in its detox pathways.

3. Stress
Stress causes your body  to release cortisol, which is a stress-based hormone.  Prolonged coritisol release induced by stress caused the accumulation of belly fat.

To keep cortisol levels  from getting out of hand  you’ve got to control your stress levels, so you do that with proper sleep, number one, getting to bed at ten o’clock at night, lights out at ten, maybe up at eight, get quality sleep, making sure the room is dark. It’s also important to eat mini-meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar level, which physiologically will keep your stress levels in control. Exercising is extremely important for dissipating that extra stress. And I tell people that are under a lot of stress emotionally to take a stress remedy, my favorite being the Bach Flower, which is-

4. Insulin Levels

Number four would  be the concept of extra insulin, which is another fat-promoting hormone, so you want to keep your insulin levels balanced. You do that again similarly to what you do with the cortisol.

You need  to  be exercising to make sure those levels are balanced. You’re also going to make sure that when you’re eating carbohydrates you balance it with a protein and a fat, keeps levels really balanced. That’s where the 40-30-30 concept came in so many years ago; I wrote about it so I’m very familiar. And I would say in terms of insulin you’re going to want to make sure that you’re taking a little extra chromium, which I find to be the best insulin tamer of all.

5. False Fat ( Fluid Retention)

The concept is that a lot of us are hanging on to water retention, which we think may be fat. We’re very bloated, and I know you hear so much from women that say “Just let me get rid of the bloat,” and it’s because of hidden food sensitivities. They’re eating too much wheat, dairy, corn, usually yeast and sugar, or they’re taking hormones, they’re taking artificial hormones, you know, that are affecting their progesterone and their estrogen balance, progesterone being a natural diuretic, estrogen being a water-based hormone that will actually carry a lot of water and make your system retain it as well as salt. And we’re got a problem if you’re not eating enough protein. If you’re not eating enough protein, which has a diuretic quality in and of itself, you’re going to be holding on to too much fluid. And then last but not least, dare I forget, a lot of over-the-counter medications, as well as some of the prescription meds,- notoriously tranquilizers, which people can take and they can add as much as 30 pounds of water weight.  When they take antidepressants, that’s one of the things, they just bloat up.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lack of Sleep Results in Weight Gain

Importance of a Sleep

Sleep is something that none of us seem to get enough of. But it is the most crucial thing that you can do for your body. When you sleep, you give your body a chance to repair and recover. If you don’t get enough sleep, you induce stress and will not get the results that you are looking for.
Sleep deprivation makes you fat and it leads to depression, pain, heart disease, diabetes, and much more. In fact, besides eating right and exercising your body, getting enough sleep is the most important thing you can do for your health.
Most of us need eight hours of restful sleep a night. Getting this is more and more difficult. Our bodies use the rhythms of sleep to signal us to create a whole cascade of hormonal, neurochemical reactions that keep us healthy by repairing our DNA, building tissues and muscle, repairing our bodies, regulating our weight and our mood chemicals. When we are sleep deprived, our cortisol levels rise with all its harmful effects, including brain damage and dementia, weight gain, diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, depression, osteoporosis, depressed immune system and lots more. Good sleep is not something that just happens, unless you’re a baby or a teenager. There are clearly defined things that interfere or support healthy sleep.

Tomorrow we will examine ways to insure a adequate sleep.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup for Weight Loss

Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup for Weight Loss

You may have seen a lot of ads on TV lately about high fructose corn syrup. Its makers are doing all they can to make you believe their swill is harmless. But don't listen to the commercials. High fructose corn syrup really is a poison.
"Poison?" you ask. Yes. Anything that damages your body's normal physiology is a poison. And a new study proves that high fructose corn syrup does indeed damage your body's physiology. Worse, it makes you fat.
In this study, the researchers studied the effects of high fructose corn syrup on rats. When they're fed the stuff, even at levels way below that which you'll find in your every day soft drink, they become obese. And it happens to every single animal across the board.
The "harmless" ingredient in most skin care products that destroys your skin and adds years to your appearance.
Yet almost every skin care product
(even expensive ones) contain it!

Find out what it is and how to avoid it.
Plus discover the one thing you should be doing to keep your skin looking young and healthy.

Read on:

In fact, they get fatter on high fructose corn syrup than if they ate actual fat!
What's really amazing is that rats eating high fructose corn syrup gain weight far more quickly than rats fed equal calorie amounts of sucrose (table sugar). Actually, they gained weight faster on half as much high fructose corn syrup as the rats eating a full soft drink dose of sucrose.
A second experiment followed rats consuming high fructose corn syrup over six months. Compared to non-high fructose corn syrup controls, the experimental rats developed the human equivalent of metabolic syndrome. That is, they got belly fat, high triglycerides, abnormal weight gain, etc.
High fructose corn syrup and sucrose are very similar. But they have one key difference. Sucrose has equal amounts of glucose and fructose. High fructose corn syrup is 55% fructose and 42% glucose (with larger molecules making up the remaining 3%). More fructose means more belly fat. Here's why:
The manufacturing process of high fructose corn syrup leaves the fructose molecules unbound. They are ready for instant absorption. In contrast, all fructose molecules found in sucrose are tied up to a glucose molecule. They have to go through an extra step before your body can absorb them. This extra step provides a delay in absorption, which may improve your insulin response. Also, your body may directly convert the extra free fructose into dangerous visceral (belly) fat, while your body burns the glucose for energy. That's why the added fructose in high fructose corn syrup leads to more belly fat.
In the 40 years since high fructose corn syrup hit the American market, obesity figures have more than doubled. They've gone from 15% to about 33%. On average, Americans consume 60 pounds of the stuff every year.
Action to take: As I have repeatedly advised, please immediately stop eating all fast, fried, refined, and processed foods. Anything with high fructose corn syrup fits this picture. Doing so will help you lose weight fast!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Eat this to Keep the Doctor Away

 Today's quick lesson is going to be about a very popular fruit... one that in my opinion is the absolute best fruit to eat and you should eat lots!!
Yes, I'm talking about the almighty APPLE.
You should be eating at least 1 a day to keep the doctor away, just like mom said! (Eat it with the skin on of course ;-))
Researchers have recently discovered yet another reason why apples are "king" of the fruits. It's a little something called: Phlorizidin.
So what in the world is that? 
It's one of an apples many antioxidants known as polyphenol flavonoids.
Modern science has discovered that phlorizidin can treat diabetes in animals and is thought to target the liver and help stimulate bile flow.
High glucose levels are known to impair bile production in the liver. Bile flow is important as the liver eliminates toxins into the bile as part of the detox process.

The antioxidant effects of apple extracts have been compared to silymarin, the active ingredient  of the herb milk thistle, which is known to be good for the liver. Both are good at fighting free radicals but silymarin still had the edge.
Apples contain many antioxidants or phytonutrients including quercetin, catechin, phlorizin, and chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid can prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which can lead to atherosclerosis. (narrowing of arteries due to buil up of fats)

Cleansing effects of Fiber
Apples are high in insoluble fiber which helps cleanse the bowel and is a great solution for constipation and diverticulitis.  Pectin, a soluble fiber, binds to heavy metals and helps clear the body of food additives.
Keeping the bowels clean helps to prevent toxins from it overloading the liver.
AND of course a clean liver means that your metabolism speeds up and you burn fat much more efficiently. 
Hopefully this  article helps you to appreciate the importance of a very common fruit :-)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Benefits of Krill Oil

Krill oil is a supplemental source of powerful antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and phosholipids derived from tiny crustaceans harvested largely in the Southern Ocean waters of the Antarctic. Krill oil proponents claim that it is essentially a superior form of omega-3s. Krill contain a rather unique reddish antioxidant called astaxanthin, and they're also rich in phospholipids, which help  emulsify fatty acids and enhance their absorption and retention.
A new study presented in the Journal of Nutrition appears to support this point of view. Research conducted in a group of overweight rats found that krill oil provoked a 42% decrease in fat (triglyceride) build-up in the hearts of the test rats. Fish oil only lead to a marginal decline in cardio-lipids of 2%. When the authors of the study examined the livers of these animals, they discovered a 60% reduction in fat in their livers, as opposed to 38% in the livers of rats fed  fish oil. The normalization of fat content in the heart and liver indicate potential benefits to overall heart function and an improvement in insulin sensitivity, which can be impaired in cases of fatty liver disease. In addition, the krill oil test subjects exhibited positive changes associated with a reduced "inflammatory response". 

When I looked over all of the reliable data I could find about krill oil, I came to the following conclusion. Krill oil seems to be an extremely promising antioxidant/omega-3 supplement. Substantial evidence suggests that the astaxanthin content of krill largely contributes to its net effect. Astaxanthin is the same carotenoid that gives wild salmon its pink hue. But there may also be something to the phospholipid content of this crustacean. That's the only explanation I've found as to why a lower dosage of KO could produce equal or greater effects than higher dosages of fish oil.

How to Lose Weight: High Intakes of Omega-3s Linked to Big Health Benefits

How to Lose Weight: High Intakes of Omega-3s Linked to Big Health Benefits

High Intakes of Omega-3s Linked to Big Health Benefits

Intakes of omega-3 essential fatty acids that exceed levels consumed by the general population in the United States may significantly reduce the risk of chronic disease, a new study with Yup’ik Eskimos suggests.

High levels of the omega-3 fatty acids  were associated with lower levels of triglycerides, as well as higher levels of HDL cholesterol, according to data from 357 Yup’ik Eskimos published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Higher levels of the fatty acids were also associated with decreased levels of markers of inflammation, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), which is produced in the liver and is a known marker for inflammation. Increased levels of CRP are a good predictor for the onset of both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

We recommend Krill Oil as the best source of omega-3 fatty acids.  Including these fatty acids in your diet is crucial to maintaining good health.  

See for a complete dietary guide for free.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Statins Can Deplete Your Levels Of This Heart-Healthy Nutrient

Statins Can Deplete Your Levels Of This Heart-Healthy Nutrient

Since many of my overweight customers and those with type II diabetes take statins to lower their cholesterol levels, I have included this useful information regarding statin drugs.
Cholesterol-lowering drugs are one of the most over-prescribed drugs on the market today. Statin drugs such as Lipitor®, Pravachol® and Crestor® can significantly deplete your levels of the essential nutrient known as coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Research shows that these prescription drugs can lower your CoQ10 levels by up to 40 percent.
CoQ10, discovered in 1957, provides 95 percent of your body’s energy. And your heart requires up to 10 times more CoQ10 than any other organ in your body.
If CoQ10 levels drop, your skin cells get older faster… your lung cells choke… your liver cells fill with toxins… your brain cells start to shut down… and your heart cells may stop beating. For patients taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, damage like this has been seen in as little as 12 weeks, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association
More than 1,000 published studies report that this Nobel Prize-winning nutrient can help you:
  • Strengthen and protect your heart
  • Avoid brain problems
  • Boost healthy blood circulation
  • Maintain free and clear arteries
  • Restore healthy heartbeats

The best form of CoQ10 to take is unbiquinol. You can purchase it at most health food stores or on line at a variety of popular sites, including and many others.
By supplementing with CoQ10 patients have experienced remarkable clinical results. Within 30 days of taking the CoQ10 supplement, 75 percent of patients reported fewer heart rhythm disturbances, 66 percent of patients reported diminished chest pain and 50 percent fewer patients suffered from future cardiac events. Plus, after only eight weeks 87 percent of patients had restored heart function.

For further information on how to lose weight and for a free weight loss ebook go to:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Probiotics for Weight Loss

What I'm about to share with you is very powerful information. It is something so subtle but can make a world of difference in people who have that "stubborn" belly fat.
First, I'm going to tell you about the only makes sense to tell you the problem before I can give you a solution ;-)
Then I'm going to tell you what to do about it and also what to avoid to keep it from coming back.
Multiple studies are now showing that overweight people have different gut bacteria than slim people... weird, right? hang with me here...
These bacteria cause low grade inflammation in your body that makes you gain weight AND makes it even HARDER to lose weight. That sucks, right?
One family of bacteria in particular called:
Firmicutes help your body to extract calories from complex sugars and deposit those calories in fat.... OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE HAVE 20% MORE of this family than slim people. 
Sooo.... what's the fix? Balancing your normal gut bacteria.  Due to our awful diets, the majority of the population has an imbalance in their gut bacteria which causes all sorts of health problems that I'm not going to go into right now. That's also another reason why you have "skinny fat" people... this messed up gut bacteria makes it hard for EVERYONE to lose belly fat too. 
Here's how to balance your healthy bacteria in your gut:
Eliminate these things out of your diet and lifestyle as much as you can:
    *  Antibiotics
    * Chlorinated water
    * Antibacterial soap
    * Agricultural chemicals
    * Pollution
Eat these foods to help put good bacteria in your body so that it can "weed" out the bad bacteria:
   *  yogurt (the healthy kind)
   *  sauerkraut
   *  Lassi (an Indian yogurt drink,    traditionally enjoyed before dinner)
    * Fermented milk, such as kefir
    * Various pickled fermentations of cabbage, turnips, eggplant, cucumbers, onions, squash and carrots
    * Natto (fermented soy)
Make sure that these are NOT pasteurized because this kills alot of the good bacteria (probiotics) in it.
If these foods don't make a regular appearance in your body, a good probiotic can give your gut the healthy boost that it needs to help to shed that stubborn belly fat.
Some good probiotics I like and have used are:
Primal Defense by Garden Of Life
Anything by Metagenics
Anything from Standard Process
or a personal favorite of mine... Complete probiotics from Dr Mercola. See his product and video below.

For further weight loss info. and a free weight loss ebook go to:


Chromium - For controlling blood sugar and weight reductions


Another weapon in nature’s arsenal of sugar fighters is
the mineral chromium. Chromium aids in digestion and
helps move blood glucose from the bloodstream into the
cells for energy. It also helps turn fats, carbohydrates, and
proteins into energy.

The results? Balanced blood sugar... fewer sugar cravings
and energy crashes... and improved fat metabolism, to name
a few. What’s more, chromium is critical for healthy insulin
function. Without enough chromium in your body, insulin
just doesn’t work properly.

In a study conducted at the Health and Medical Research
Foundation in San Antonio, Texas, researchers divided 154
patients into three groups to study the effects of chromium
on weight gain.

Natural Alternatives for Diabetes and Blood Sugar
Group “A” took 200 mcg daily of chromium for 12 weeks.
Group “B” took double the dosage—400 mcg daily—for the
same period. Those patients in Group “C” were given a

The researchers wanted to measure the effect of taking
chromium on “body composition improvement,” or BCI.
The BCI indicates the increase in the ratio of lean muscle
mass to fat in the patient’s body.

In both groups taking chromium, the scientists reported
significantly higher positive changes in BCI compared to
those patients not taking the chromium!

Chromium exists in many foods including:

􀀀 Whole-grain breads and cereals
􀀀 Fresh fruits and vegetables
􀀀 Potatoes (especially in the skin)
􀀀 Brewer’s yeast
􀀀 Meats
􀀀 Cheeses
􀀀 Molasses

Despite the wide availability of chromium from food
sources, research shows that 90% of American adults have a
chromium deficient diet! Could this be a key reason why an
increasing number of Americans suffer blood sugar problems?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Banaba Leaf Extract - For controlling blood sugar and weight loss

Banaba Leaf Extract

Traditionally, people living in the Philippines, South
Asia, and India have brewed a banaba leaf tea to help
regulate blood sugar. In fact, some natural healers sing
its praises as a medicinal plant.

Medical scientists believe that banaba leaf’s beneficial
effects on blood sugar are due to its high concentration of
corosolic acid, a natural compound extracted from its leaves.
Corosolic acid mimics insulin by moving sugar out
of your bloodstream and into your cells. And numerous
scientific studies have proven banaba leaf’s effectiveness.

In one study, patients with blood sugar concerns took a
supplement containing banaba leaf or a placebo three times
a day for four weeks.

The placebo group had no change, but the banaba leaf
group achieved very good results for blood sugar balancing.
With banaba leaf helping control your blood sugar
...You can also experience healthy weight loss. In fact, some
folks have reported an average of two to four pounds a month!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema Sylvestre

For more than 2,000 years, people in India have used the
herb Gymnema sylvestre to help control blood sugar. In fact,
the leaves of this climbing plant are prized by practitioners of
Ayurvedic medicine—the holistic system of healing developed
in India and practiced by renowned doctor, Deepak Chopra.
The herb is also called “gurmar,” which literally means
“destroyer of sugar” in Hindi. This name describes the way
that chewing the leaves interferes with your ability to taste
sweetness. Because this amazing herb decreases the sensation
of sweetness in many foods, this may reduce your
cravings for sugary snacks.
Recent scientific studies indicate Gymnema sylvestre

 Balance your fasting blood sugar level...
 Control hemoglobin A1c (average blood sugar) levels for
three months...

 Improve your body’s glycemic control...
Increase the effectiveness of insulin...

Gymnema sylvestre helps control abnormal blood sugar
levels by reducing your absorption of glucose. Just how
does it work?
The herb contains gymnemic acids, which are known to
suppress glucose absorption. Gymnema sylvestre also helps
your pancreas make more insulin to balance blood sugar levels.
These findings are backed by numerous clinical studies.
Dr. K. Baskaran published a study in the Journal of
Ethnopharmacology involving patients who took 400 mg
of Gymnema sylvestre extract daily for 18 to 20 months
along with their oral medications. This group showed a
significant reduction in their fasting blood sugar levels!
Scientific research confirms the powerful sugar busting
effects of Gymnema sylvestre!